My life is almost perfect. If I had one of these bottle stoppers for the copious amounts of summer afternoon drinks I have been consuming I would be no happier but perhaps a little more complete and I would have an interesting little conversation starter.
Things are motoring along nicely here in the land of Shaggs. The weight has kind of plateaued which is actually a good thing for this time of the month (and not to mention the hedonistic life I have been leading) - I'm just riding the wave (of hormones and weight). I have to constantly pinch myself with my life at the moment - the warm weather is starting to outweigh the cold miserable weather, we go fishing, to the beach, the park, in the spa, we hire awesome boats and scoot around the bay, we have friends over for BBQ's, we (I) drink too much, friends and family come from all over to stay and holiday with us. People are coming for readings and work is picking up to a very nice level. Its lovely. No buts. No ifs and no "howevers".
Boring, hey?
I told you happy posts are nowhere near as entertaining as the comedic, hollow despair that is one of life's downslides.
I have questioned the tightness of my band on several occasions. Sometimes too tight and sometimes I wonder should I really be able to consume what and how much I do eat? Perplexes me. I know for sure its time to start pulling some weight of my own and I REALLY want this summer to be more comfortable and full of pretty summer cotton. I have also found myself slipping into the whole "eat whatever goes down" diet plan and going hard on the chips and chocolate and WAY too much alcohol. Having a nice life certainly brings far too many opportunities to eat and drink far too much and far too much fabulously tasty fatty food and drinks.
Perhaps I should use this boring post as an opportunity to put it out there........
I am going for a walk tomorrow morning and I expect you all to hold me to it. You must all ask via the comments section if I went for a walk and if I neglect to post for a week you know I haven't done it and I need to be called in for questioning. I really need your help on this one guys.
Can you all believe how my life has turned around from the pits of despair I found myself in 2 months ago? I made my wishes and I believe the universe has delivered. I still miss my family and friends in Sydney but my friends and lovely life here certainly ease the pain. Or it could be that my severe life threatening 3 monthly mood cycle hasnt yet reached its full swing? We'll see - lets keep an eye on the dates one month from now will I be psychotic again? And yes I do expect you all to remind me of this.